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Gartner predicts strong outlook for CIS Electronics Engineering’s R&D Service Markets for 2020

10th January - Valencia.

  • Major growth in ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT)Endpoints for 2020
  • Connected cars will retain a significant portion of the total endpoint electronics spending
  • CIS strategic focus aimed at delivering skilled engineers for these markets

According to Gartner, 5.8 Billion Enterprise and Automotive IoT Endpoints will be in use in 2020 and forecasts that the enterprise and automotive IoT market* will grow to 5.8 billion endpoints in 2020, a 21% increase from 2019. By the end of 2019, 4.8 billion endpoints are expected to be in use, up 21.5% from 2018. https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-08-29-gartner-says-5-8-billion-enterprise-and-automotive-io.

“For CIS Electronic Engineering, its focus on supplying skilled embedded engineers into these markets promises to be a positive strategy for further growth,” so says CIS CEO John Ryan.

Gartner also reports that utilities will be the highest user of IoT endpoints, totalling 1.17 billion endpoints in 2019, and increasing 17% in 2020 to reach 1.37 billion endpoints. “Electricity smart metering, both residential and commercial will boost the adoption of IoT among utilities,” said Peter Middleton, senior research director at Gartner. “Physical security, where building intruder detection and indoor surveillance use cases will drive volume, will be the second largest user of IoT endpoints in 2020.”

Building automation, driven by connected lighting devices, will be the segment with the largest growth rate in 2020 (42%), and followed by automotive and healthcare, which are forecast to grow 31% and 29% in 2020, respectively. In healthcare, chronic condition monitoring will drive the most IoT endpoints, while in automotive, cars with embedded IoT connectivity will be supplemented by a range of add-on devices to accomplish specific tasks, such as fleet management.

Connected cars will retain a significant portion of the total endpoint electronics spending resulting from increasing electronics complexity and manufacturers implementing connectivity in a greater percentage of their vehicle production moving forward.

Alfonso Velosa, research vice president at Gartner continues, “Product managers will need to deliver but also to clearly and loudly communicate their IoT-based business value to specific verticals and their business processes, if they are to succeed in this crowded arena.”

“We also have taken a long hard look at the market,” says John Ryan, “and as a result we put a real focus on delivering a comprehensive service to accommodate an increased need in these advanced technology sectors.”

“The problem in serving these markets is the availability of highly skilled engineers. There is a lot of competition out there for the best engineers, so finding the right engineers at the right time remains one of the top concerns amongst R&D Project Managers. It is now more important than ever to have a multi-tiered flexible delivery model in place to allow you to compete successfully for the best skills on the market wherever they might be. It’s not about getting the best local talent anymore, it’s about getting the best global talent!”

“Having almost two decades of experience in providing top engineers and consultants to the Advanced Technology market, we are now ideally positioned to offer a comprehensive range of engineering services to our customers to deal with all the new challenges ahead in 2020 and beyond.”

For more information, visit www.cis-ee.com.